Common Mistakes to Avoid During Company Incorporation (And How to Fix Them!)

MCA - COVID-19 VOLUNTARY WFH Declaration For Companies & LLPs
Dear Clients Taking cognizance of the gravity of the public health situation, the govt has issued advisory note strongly asking all the Companies/LLPs to implement “Work from Home (WFH)” policy in their headquarters and filed offices to the maximum extent possible. In this respect, MCA has deployed a web based form “CAR” which should be filed by an authorized signatory of all those Company/LLPs who have implement this WFH Policy. NOTE THAT CAR form has been deployed as a purely confidence building measure to assess the readiness of the companies to deal with COVID-19 threat to India and is not a mandatory compliance. The filing of this form is totally “VOLUTARY” and as such no penalty or enforcement related action in applicable. Stakeholders may at their convenience file this form. There is no due date to file this form. You may access our DIY guide to file this form yourself by clicking here. Need our assistance to submit this form? Kindly submit your details on the below google form: